Lab Facilities at IGISPosts Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Lab

Lab staff 


The Remote Sensing Lab at the IGIS is equipped with high end Pentium Quad core computers (i7). The computers have a dedicated 16 GB RAM and graphic processing abilities. The systems are updated on a regular basis to meet student needs and ensure that modern computational software run on them with ease.

Available resources

Hp large scale plotter 1055

Context large format scanner

An overview of the lab during a session 

Table top Stereoscopes 


Digital screen stereoscopes

The lab is also equipped with a computerised image reading stereoscope. This is one tool that works best with older or newer images that are stored in digital format.

Remote Sensing Software

The Lab is equipped with high end commercial and free and open source GIS software for student requirements. One such software available for students is the GRASS GIS. Which has one of the most powerful image processing engine for remote sensing data. And can also handle large volume of other spatial data.
The lab also is equipped with the Centre Nationale de Etudes Scientific (french national centre for scientific education) software Orfeo Toolbox. The software implements a variety of machine learning and AI algorithms for rapid image processing and analysis.
The SAGA GIS toolbox is a complete set of utilities for geospatial analysis of scientific nature on spatial data. The software is available for student to run their complex analysis needs on.