IGIS Academia Facts & Figures








The Institute of Geographical Information Systems (IGIS) is the first of its kind higher education learning institute in Pakistan where state of the art education in Spatial Sciences and Remote Sensing is delivered. IGIS has modern infrastructure including classrooms, state of art laboratories and digital library. The institute offers four years of Bachelors of Engineering (BE) in Geoinformatics, two years' MS in Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Ph.D in RS & GIS. Beside the degree programmes, IGIS also offers short courses in RS & GIS to private and public sector organisations across Pakistan on demand. The Institute has experienced faculty holding MS, PhD and Post-Doc degrees in various disciplines from reputed International and National Universities. In the years ahead, IGIS plans to pursue its vision of expanding not only its academic programmes but also the student intakes, without diluting its traditional standards of excellence. The goal of IGIS is to undertake basic and applied research to educate the next generation of students and prepare them for successful careers in relevant professions, keeping in view a very high demand of spatial scientists.

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Professor Dr. Muhammad Irfan


GIS is one of the four institutes functioning under the umbrella of School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (SCEE). All resources of IGIS are augmented by SCEE i.e. faculty, laboratories, library and transport, thus making it a very potent institute. IGIS has distinction of offering for the first time in Pakistan, Master’s programme in the field of Remote Sensing (RS) & Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Keeping in line with its tradition, it has again been the first in the country to offer undergraduate degree programme in GIS and PhD in RS & GIS. The discipline is though new, but its importance has been recognized all over the world. As of today, many of the top universities of the world are offering degrees relating to spatial data. The importance of Geospatial data in virtually all fields of life has been realized in Pakistan. The avenues of employment are also increasing rapidly along with realization of the importance of spatial data. This will ensure optimal utilization of resources in minimum time.

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Library Talk on "The Rise of Generative AI"

December 9,2024 - 12, 2024

IGIS Sports Gala 2024

April 16,2024 - 19, 2024

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