Lab staff
- Lab Engineer – Umer Safdar
- email – [email protected]
- Contact number – +92 322 5292331
The GIS lab, at IGIS is equipped with GIS software and resources. Some of key licences available to students of BE Geo-Informatics and MS Remote Sensing and GIS include, ArcGIS Enterprise Edition, ArcGIS Pro. The lab is fully equipped with i5 computers, with a dedicated 16 GB RAM. The systems are regularly updated and improved as the need appears. Other than that student’s have access to virtual machines, that run any software of their choice on two dedicated clusters. Each hosting 256 GB or RAM and 40 Xeon Processing cores with a dedicated 40 TB storage. Students in the lab frequently use, Free and Open Source GIS software and database solutions, that include GRASS GIS, QGIS, Postgres, Sqlite, Orfeo Toolbox, Mapserver and many more.
Available resources
- High end core i5 computers – 30
- Wide format scanner 42-inch
- Wide format plotter 42 inch
Hp large scale plotter 800
Context large format scanner
An overivew of the lab during a session
Geographic Information System Software