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Lab staff 

  • Lab Engineer – Umer Safdar
  • email – [email protected]
  • Contact number – +92 322 5292331


The Final Year Design Project lab at IGIS, is available to all Final Year students for research and their project related work. The lab is equipped with dedicated i5 computers and run OSGeoLive, where students develop their own code for GIS based processing. It houses various high end computers, storage clusters, a Clinostat, microcontrollers and electronics items that students can use for creating their IoT components for the projects they do.

Available resources

  • 16x core i5 computers
  • Microcontrollers for IoT solution designs 
  • Electronic soldering and wiring tools 
  • Augmented Reality desk
  • Quad-copter drone
  • ASD field spectroradiometer
  • Multispectral camera – MicaSense RedEdge

Microcontroller boards and sensors for IoT

A dedicated set of IoT devices ae available for student to use in their project. These devices serve as the backend for many GIS applications and allow for real-time data collection and display.

3D Printing

For printing student project, related material, a 3D printer with sufficient supply of printing material always remain accessible. With a recommendation from their project supervisors, the students can print their ideas into designs and project components.

Augmented Reality setup for Tangible Landscapes

Here students can be seen working on an assembly that is meant for Augmented Reality toolset development.

2D clinostat for zero gravity simulation

The lab is also equipped with a clinostat. Which is also a part of the national space program of SUPARCO Pakistan. This equipment can simulate 0 gravity on objects placed on it, and then researchers/students can monitor the possible effect of lack of gravity on different plant species in different provided growth conditions.

Phantom 4 Pro Drone


Of the drones the lab houses a DJI Phantom 4 drones, which is used for survey and mapping needs of students, arising out of their projects.

The lab houses 2x computers with installation of Pix4D mapper, licenced by the department for academic use and student projects.




Lab staff 

  • Lab Engineer – Umer Safdar
  • email – [email protected]
  • Contact number – +92 322 5292331


IGIS has PhD Lab facility for 10 students. The lab is equipped with dedicated core i7 computers each housing 16 GB of RAM and research software such as

  1. RAMMS  (Rapid Mass Movement Simulation)
  2. HEC RAS
  3. HEC HMS

to name a few. In this lab student also have access to high end computers, processing clusters with remote access in case they have high end computational requirements.

Available resources 

  • High end pentium core i5 and i7 computers
  • Software as pe need basis for research
  • ASD field spectroradiometer
  • Multispectral camera
  • Quad-copter drones


Quad-copter Drones

Of the drones the lab houses a DJI Phantom 4 drones, which is used for survey and mapping needs of students, arising out of their projects.


ASD Spectroradiometer

The department has an ASD FieldSpec spectroradiometer which delivers the fastest and most accurate spectral field measurements available from any commercial field-portable spectroradiometer. Continued enhancements to core instrument spectrometers and other critical components have dramatically improved overall performance, signal, and integration speeds compared to earlier models.


Mica Sense Multispectral camera

The department also has a MicaSense Red Edge camera designated for high end student projects for vegetation mapping and monitoring. This can range from crops to urban green areas.



Lab contact details 

  • Lab incharge – Dr. Muhammad Ali Tahir
  • email id – [email protected]
  • Contact – +92 322 5020145


The GIS mobility lab of the Institute of Geographical Information Systems, housed a the School of Interdisciplinary Engineering & Sciences is one of our state of the art lab. The lab is equipped with high end computing and is affiliated with projects that are based on Mobility Analytics.



The lab works on issues like transportation, species tracking, moving object analysis and how vectors in an urban environment can be monitored for control etc.


Lab staff 

  • Lab Engineer – Umer Safdar
  • email – [email protected]
  • Contact number – +92 322 5292331


The Final Year Design Project lab at IGIS, is available to all Final Year students for research and their project related work. The lab is equipped with dedicated i5 computers and run OSGeoLive, where students develop their own code for GIS based processing. It houses various high end computers, storage clusters, a Clinostat, microcontrollers and electronics items that students can use for creating their IoT components for the projects they do.

Available resources

  • 16x core i5 computers
  • Microcontrollers for IoT solution designs 
  • Electronic soldering and wiring tools 
  • Augmented Reality desk
  • Quad-copter drone
  • ASD field spectroradiometer
  • Multispectral camera – MicaSense RedEdge

Microcontroller boards and sensors for IoT

A dedicated set of IoT devices ae available for student to use in their project. These devices serve as the backend for many GIS applications and allow for real-time data collection and display.

3D Printing

For printing student project, related material, a 3D printer with sufficient supply of printing material always remain accessible. With a recommendation from their project supervisors, the students can print their ideas into designs and project components.

Augmented Reality setup for Tangible Landscapes

Here students can be seen working on an assembly that is meant for Augmented Reality toolset development.

2D clinostat for zero gravity simulation

The lab is also equipped with a clinostat. Which is also a part of the national space program of SUPARCO Pakistan. This equipment can simulate 0 gravity on objects placed on it, and then researchers/students can monitor the possible effect of lack of gravity on different plant species in different provided growth conditions.

Phantom 4 Pro Drone


Of the drones the lab houses a DJI Phantom 4 drones, which is used for survey and mapping needs of students, arising out of their projects.

The lab houses 2x computers with installation of Pix4D mapper, licenced by the department for academic use and student projects.





Lab staff 

  • Lab Engineer – Umer Safdar
  • email – [email protected]
  • Contact number – +92 322 5292331


The Remote Sensing Lab at the IGIS is equipped with high end Pentium Quad core computers (i7). The computers have a dedicated 16 GB RAM and graphic processing abilities. The systems are updated on a regular basis to meet student needs and ensure that modern computational software run on them with ease.

Available resources

  • High end Pentium core i7 computers – 38
  • Wide format scanner 42-inch
  • Wide format plotter 42 inch

Hp large scale plotter 1055

Context large format scanner

An overview of the lab during a session 

Table top Stereoscopes 


Digital screen stereoscopes

The lab is also equipped with a computerised image reading stereoscope. This is one tool that works best with older or newer images that are stored in digital format.


Remote Sensing Software

The Lab is equipped with high end commercial and free and open source GIS software for student requirements. One such software available for students is the GRASS GIS. Which has one of the most powerful image processing engine for remote sensing data. And can also handle large volume of other spatial data.


The lab also is equipped with the Centre Nationale de Etudes Scientific (french national centre for scientific education) software Orfeo Toolbox. The software implements a variety of machine learning and AI algorithms for rapid image processing and analysis.


The SAGA GIS toolbox is a complete set of utilities for geospatial analysis of scientific nature on spatial data. The software is available for student to run their complex analysis needs on.



Lab staff 

  • Lab Engineer – Umer Safdar
  • email – [email protected]
  • Contact number – +92 322 5292331


The GIS lab, at IGIS is equipped with GIS software and resources. Some of key licences available to students of BE Geo-Informatics and MS Remote Sensing and GIS include, ArcGIS Enterprise Edition, ArcGIS Pro. The lab is fully equipped with i5 computers, with a dedicated 16 GB RAM. The systems are regularly updated and improved as the need appears. Other than that student’s have access to virtual machines, that run any software of their choice on two dedicated clusters. Each hosting 256 GB or RAM and 40 Xeon Processing cores with a dedicated 40 TB storage. Students in the lab frequently use, Free and Open Source GIS software and database solutions, that include GRASS GIS, QGIS, Postgres, Sqlite, Orfeo Toolbox, Mapserver and many more.

Available resources 

  • High end core i5 computers – 30
  • Wide format scanner 42-inch
  • Wide format plotter 42 inch

Hp large scale plotter 800

Context large format scanner

An overivew of the lab during a session

Geographic Information System Software

One of the most powerful enterprise solution in the market is the ArcGIS software and its pro edition for the GIS users. IGIS licences the software regularly for its students.


Another important software used at large by the GIS community is Quantum GIS. Known for its hassle free installation, free availability and ease of use. The software is run on all computers at the institute.


Another important tool is the gv SIG. Supported by the Open Geospatial consortium and is available in the lab for students, who have to conduct software specific tasks.


Of the many other GIS software, which are a part of the free and open source GIS stack, students are supported and allowed to run these software for their project related tasks.